Marigold Manor
Marigold Manor is easily the biggest place in Elkland and Westfield. The victorian mansion is beautiful on the outside, but to step inside is to transport yourself one hundred and fifteen years into the past. It was built in 1886 for Charles L. Pattison, probably the second wealthiest man in Elkland at the time, only next to Joel Parkhurst. It was known simply as the Pattison home until the Redfield family moved onto the property for some time. Little is known of this family. After the Redfields, some Pattisons moved back into the house. If probably had other owners before the current, Bonnie Morgan, a sixth grade teacher at Clark Wood Elementary School in Elkland, bought the home after much consideration in 1971 for the price of ,000.
The home boasts 6 grand double and triple tiered fireplaces, one of which can be seen below. The home had quite a few firsts such as indoor plumbing and the first street light. One of the most intriguing parts of the home is in the family room which used to be used as an office at the windows. The blinds would fold into the walls, but if you opened them and removed the planks behind them, you could find a secret place to hide valuable things from people who should not get at them.
The seventeen rooms in the house are AMAZING. The library gives a peaceful feeling and formal living room features a grand piano and the only photo known to me of Charles L. Pattison. The staircase is three leveled with red velvet carpet and leads up to a huge upper landing with a beautiful background sitting area. You can find here three bedrooms that are used by guests at Marigold Manor as it is now a bed and breakfast. Also you can find the master bedroom.
You can make reservations to stay at Marigold Manor by calling Bonnie Morgan at (814) 258 7144.


Part of the Library
Bonnie Morgan

Formal Living Room

Library Fireplace